1-9-2017 Recap

Had a lot of fun last night.  The party has launched into Episode 4 (which might be a longer one, 2-3 sessions probably, complete with a classic dungeon crawl).  Testing out the “Posts” function, which is different from making new “Pages.”

We’re hoping to do this again Thursday January 26th, joined by the mighty Volg Gravelheart.

I’ll be farting around with the site throughout the day, cleaning up the “skeleton” outline look and dropping images and icons around.  I’m also going to focus on the Players pages, getting a Pathfinder Character Sheet pdf I can manipulate for each PC and throwing those up. Those of you who wrote backstories, let me know if you want all of it posted, or an abridged version omitting personal details you don’t want the rest of the party to know (although we’re mostly experienced role-players here who can game unbiased by out-of-character information, I guess).

Oz has brought up the issue of using more homemade stuff as opposed to copyright images in case we weaponize… I mean monetize the site.  It probably won’t be an issue while it’s just us friends doing a fun thing, but something to think about for the future.

Still a long way off from setting up mics and turning our game sessions into podcasts & YouTube videos, but that is a thing we’d like to do eventually.  I’ve already snagged the YouTube & Twitter real estate.

Anyway, anyone without a WordPress account, I suggest getting one, or doing whatever it is one has to do to post Comments here on the site.  So that you can.  I haven’t figured out how to get a “Gravitar” or whatever it’s called for visual icons attached to your handle, but I’m sure it’s pretty easy.

Anyone have suggestions for the site? For the game itself?  If you don’t mind, as a general rule, let’s stick to using Character names or Internet Handles/Nicknames when referring to Real Life People;  I don’t care if you link to your own Facebook or whatever, but let’s try to keep at least a passive level of anonymity to avoid cyber stalkers.  Because unfortunately, they are a real thing.

Once again, had a lot of fun.  Thanks to everyone for coming over!
